Friday, January 30, 2009

Reviving the Art of Correspondence at LIBERTY 123

"Reviving the Art of Correspondence"
Event No. 1 in a Three-Part Series from LIBERTY 123
Date: Thursday, February 5th
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Fee: $20/person
Limited Space Available
Register at LIBERTY 123 today!

Learn how to create whimsical over-sized paper flowers & have your hearts’ desires elegantly scripted by local artist and calligrapher, Kay Tyllia. Your $20 event fee includes: 2 paper flowers, each with calligraphered scrolls & a surprise treat from LIBERTY 123 to help continue your festivities.

About the Event...
Not only will you learn how to make these beautiful over-sized paper peonies, we will send you home with instructions on how to create a variety of other paper flowers!

Paper flowers are wonderful to use for whimsical present toppers, to decorate a child's room, or as a cheerful focal point on top of a mantle. I even made them for my sister's rehearsal dinner centerpieces!

Each participant will leave with 2 beautiful paper flowers - ready to give as a gift! The flowers will have ribbon-wrapped stems, a beautiful bow and a tag with your own personalized message calligraphered by Kay Tyllia.

These are a perfect gift for teachers, girlfriends or children! As our 'merci beaucoup' to you, we will send you home with an elegantly scripted cocktail recipe help continue the festivities!

About the Artist...
LIBERTY 123 is honored to welcome local artist & calligrapher, Kay Tyllia. In the true spirit of "Reviving the Art of Correspondence," Kay will be writing 2 personal messages to you paper flower gifts with her elegant script.

Kay's love of art and the written word started at an early age. She began learning calligraphy during her high school years at Holy Names Academy in Seattle, WA. She then went on to earn a degree in Art from the University of Washington.

Kay has illustrated 9 books & designed countless creations including: menus, greeting cards, logos, jewelry, murals and even landscapes. Her work has been shown in various galleries and art collections.

When asked what inspired her most about the art of calligraphy, Kay responded, "seeing the look on faces when people see their names beautifully written." After addressing thousands of special envelopes and designing custom wedding invitations, Kay truly understands the unique beauty that lies behind each word.

We can't wait to have Kay here at LIBERTY 123 on February 5th and hope you can come and meet this wonderful artist & talented spirit!

February Events at LIBERTY 123!

LIBERTY 123 is excited to announce our 3-part series, the "Celebration of Love & the Sweetness of Imperfection." Click on the announcement below to enlarge, and read all about each event! We hope to see you at LIBERTY 123!

{click sign to enlarge}

Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Love Letter to Love Letters

As a tribute to my new found love & inspiration of the written word, I wanted to share my "Love Letter to Love Letters" with you. Unfortunately, tech savviness (or lack thereof!) does not allow for my letter to be any larger than shown. So, unless you have extraordinary vision and are able to read this the tiny script, I have typed out my letter below for you to read...

“A Love Letter to Love Letters”

It seems that the ‘convenience’ of the world now exists in all things technological. Emails and quick text messages (something I haven’t quite gotten the hang of!) have become the mainstream of communication and sometimes I wonder if there isn’t something missing in our day-to-day exchanges.

Recently, I found myself becoming drawn to the integrity of the written word. Purely unintentional, this new fascination is quite apparent in what I have selected for LIBERTY 123. As I look around my store, I am surrounded with script & written wisdom. Lamp shades, floor mats, wall art, pillows and frames ‘speak’ a soulful elegance - and I have to admit, I’m loving every word!

Of course, this time of year love letters come to mind, as Valentine’s Day is just a month away! I fondly remember a few boyfriends that used the pen to express their adoration for me (that’s right I said adoration!) At the time I received these love letters, I don’t think I truly appreciated what a gift they were. Admittedly, there may have been a few moments I was simply amused by their juvenile quality. Now, I look back with a greater sense of appreciation for their efforts… this may be because no one is ‘adoring’ me at the moment. In all actuality, I think the real reason that I look back on these letters fondly is that they were such a simple, thoughtful, and (hopefully!) genuine expression of affection.

While there is no romantic love in my life to celebrate this Valentine’s Day with, I am fortunate to have many people in my life that I feel affection for. So this Valentine’s Day, my beloveds will receive a handwritten Valentine from me in their mailbox. I encourage you to do the same!

The written word…so retro!

Yours fondly,
